
Our language learning products

Recordings and transcriptions


Common features

Number of pages: 32
Theme pages: 12
Daily examples: 420
Dimensions: (closed) 11 X 17 inches, 27,5 X 43 cm
Dimensions: (open) 17 X 22 inches, 43 X 56 cm
Packaging: cellophane shrink-wrapped with cardboard stiffener
Net weight: 0,381 kg

Essential French 1

Edition: North American
ISBN: 978-2-9811172-0-5
Publication date: October 2009
Translations: English, Spanish
Available as pdf for download: Yes
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  • Verb Être ("Je suis très content", "Elles sont parties ce matin de bonne heure")
  • Verb Avoir ("Avez-vous faim?", "J'ai hâte de partir en vacances")
  • Questions ("Que veulent-ils?", "Est-ce qu'on peut vous aider?")
  • Commands ("Allez-y", Veuillez vous asseoir.")
  • Verb Faire ("Il fait froid dehors"; "Elle fait très sérieuse.")
  • Numbers  ("La voiture roulait à cent vingt kilomètres à l'heure", "La cuisine mesure trente mètres carrés")
  • Preposition Au, à la, à l', aux ("Je suis au bureau", "Il sera à la maison", "J'aime la tarte aux pommes")
  • Reflexive verbs ("Ils se lavent tous les jours", "Je me suis couché très tard")
  • Direct and indirect object pronouns ("Je vais le voir ce soir", "Elle ne lui parle plus")
  • Plurals ("C'est la saison des travaux routiers", "Nous avons reçu de nouveaux bijoux")
  • Homonyms and grammatical gender ("La manche gauche de la chemise est trop longue", "Prenez le marteau par le manche.")
  • The subjunctive ("Il faut que je parte tout de suite", "Allez-y avant qu'il ne soit trop tard")


Essential English 1

Edition: North American
ISBN: 978-2-9811172-2-9
Publication date: TBA
Translations: French, Spanish
Available as pdf for download: Not yet


  • Verb To be ("I'm pleased to announce...", "He'll be with you in a minute")
  • Verb To have ("Have a seat", "I'll have him call you")
  • Irregular past tenses ("I read two books last week", "What drew you to this subject?")
  • Verb To do ("How are you doing?","Are you done yet?", "Do you like it here?")
  • Questions ("When do you arrive?", "What did she say?")
  • Progressive or continuous aspect ("What were you thinking?", "I work Monday to Friday, but I'm not working today")
  •  Comparisons ("This is the best I can do", "This is not bad. I've seen worse")
  • Adverbs ("You're absolutely right", "He was very well dressed", "Come quickly.")
  • Direct and Indirect object pronouns ("I saw her the yesterday", "He gave her the gift")
  • Prepositional verbs ("He turned up in the end", "We ran out of money before the end of the trip")
  • Plurals ("He is one of my best friends", "Women and children first"))
  • Numbers ("This can do 0-100 kilometres per hour in six seconds", "Take the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor.")

Essential Spanish 1

Edition: Latin American
ISBN: 978-2-9811172-1-2
Publication date: November 2009
Translations: English, French
Available as pdf for download: Yes
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  • Verbs Ser / Estar ("Somos buenos amigos", "Mi hermana está muy aburrida")
  • Verb Tener ("No tengo hambre", "No tuve dinero para pagar")
  • Questions ("Cuénteme. ¿Qué pasó?", "¿Cuándo vamos a comer?")
  • Reflexive verbs ("Se lavó las manos", "Ella se divierte mucho")
  • Commands ("Danos tu opinión", "Que tenga un buen día")
  • Direct and indirect object pronouns ("A mí me gusta mucho este café", "Yo te lo digo todo")
  • Verb Hacer ("Hacía de profesor", "Hace buen tiempo afuera", "Se hizo abogado")
  • Demonstratives ("A él no le gusta este libro", "Lo hizo por estas razones")
  • Comparisons ("Fue el peor día de mi vida", "Ella tiene tanto dinero como yo")
  • Numbers ("Un piso de cinquenta metros cuadrados", "Un centenar de personas")
  • Expression of time ("Eso no se logra de la noche a la mañana", "Llegué anteayer por la tarde")
  • The subjunctive ("Quiero que sepas la verdad", "No creo que haya llegado")


French Conversation FCONV01, two male voices, European accent

Duration: 4 minutes. MP3 Downloadable. In this totally unrehearsed and unscripted casual conversation, the main character talks about a vacation in Cuba. A very pleasant mature voice with a refined European accent that is not too Parisian. An excellent model accent for anyone learning French. This is an outstanding sample of authentic spoken French. The language is simple, but all the linguisiic features of spoken conversational French are present, Excellent for ear training. The recording quality is very good. Users of Essential French 1 product should have no difficulties with this level of French. Buy now 


Transcription of FCONV01with translation and technical notes 

Downloadable pdf. This companion transcription is an indispensable tool for getting the most out of the recording. In addition to a complete translation, there are many technical notes on the language used and things to look for. Buy now